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Post lockdown work-place

The Covid-19 pandemic and our enforced remote working experiment has given us all an opportunity to take stock and revisit how we approach agile and remote working. Our recent experience has demonstrated that, whilst we are a people-focussed business and collaboration is key, remote working has worked remarkably well and we can deliver high quality work whilst working remotely.

We have observed an increasing openness by clients to work with remote and flexible working models, attributable in part to the global pandemic and the way in which new ways of working have been trialled and successfully demonstrated over the past year. Employers, including in-house legal teams, are re-imagining the workplace and are offering increased opportunities for Re:link to provide high quality yet flexible and agile resourcing solutions.

As clients navigate the legal and business challenges triggered by Covid-19, the flexibility and agility that Re:link offers becomes ever more valuable. Re:link lawyers can support clients by contributing resilience, agility and specialist skills on a short or fixed term basis in a variety of situations including where client teams are stretched and under pressure, permanent recruitment is on hold, and teams are dealing with gaps in critical skills.

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